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Nothinng to SAY??????

Posted by Alrasya^Syidah

Assalamualaikum...hmmm what should i write for this time???THINGKING @_@ actually i really dont know what should i write but now i'm feel really stress..STRESSTED OUT today, huh..Y? becoz i'm thingking bout my upcoming exam on Mon & Tuesday..& this Wednesday i have to go to a job interview, so wish me LUCK..Hopefully i will pass the exam and i will not have to worry about taking class again..^_^ I dont hope for highest marks, if I just get PASS it's ok...x kisah aslkn lulus, tat subject killer subject..owes stress ngat subject tu.

Hmmm..Bout my's still the same..nothing change,sumtimes feel life its complicated and i rite?? I admit it. Becoz i feel terrible..SICKNESS???huh...alhamdulillah dah ok but sumtimes rasa gak sakit2..tak mcm hari tu dah^_^ syukran. Life is like a spider's web Allah, we get caught in its tricky snave so i really hope my life continues to go well becoz i know Allah will always be with me for a long time as i never forget him, he will never forget me.

I am just pretending everything is fine..pretending to be enjoying my life..Pretending to be always happy with my friends and pretending accepting when they rejected me..huhu.. like i told that only Allah is knw n always with me coz he;s really close and always counting my tears..All praise be to ALLAH.

This is the first 5 wishes that comes to my mind:~

~> Wanna be happy with my family,friends and my future soulmate
~> Hopefully i will pass my exam & will get better job and good salary
~> Buy my favourite car using my own money (MyviSport/Honda Jazz)
~> Get a bouquet of a pink roses frm someone special
~> Praise to Allah hopefully one of my wishes will came true or all of my forth wishes came true ^_^
