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SiLeNt tEaRs..TiReD wItH aLL oF dIs ThINgS...

Posted by Alrasya^Syidah

All praises are for you Allah, how I hope that you are there.

For sinful though I know I am, your displeasure I can not bear.
Never, till this moment, did I realize how much I've strayed.
Never, till now, was I more conscious of all those times when I should have prayed.
For sins are like heavy baggage, that one carries through Life, the airport.
Why didn't I realize sooner, that Earth is but a place of sport?
Ya Allah ! Forgive me. Save me from the fire of Hell.
Forgive me as you did my parents, from Jan'ah though they fell.
Ya Allah ! Protect me. From myself for my soul is weak.
Let me not falter ever, for Jan'ah is the abode I seek.
Ya, Allah! Please help me. For I don't understand and thus, I fear.
What happened to all those moments when I never doubted that you were near ?
My actions once were guided, by my faith which, once, was strong.
Ya Allah! please guide me . What happened, what went wrong ?
Each footstep that I used to take, I took with you ever near my side.
The Quran was my faithful companion, Rasoolallah my beloved guide.

How I yearn for those bygone days Allah, for I know that the day comes near
When we'll each receive our just rewards, and Truth will stand sparkling clear.
Life is like a spider's web Allah. I get caught in its tricky snare
So thoroughly i'm disillusioned, time for salat i can not spare.
I sit here and I wonder, Ya Allah! Why did I fall so low ?
What happened to my faith Allah? Where did my Iman go?
In this earthly life of ours, so often does sin seem right.
Falsehood seems to be the truth, as if days are confused with night.
Man is an imperfect creature. And thus, Man shall always wrong.
For the road to Jan'ah is rocky, and the journey seems awfully long.
Ya Allah ! Our creator, we are all just peices of clay.
Please help me with my steps in life, and let me not lose my way.
All praises are for you Allah, I know that you are near.
Please Ya Allah, i love my family so much
even i feel..hmmm..
I know that you have read my heart, and my words I know you hear.

A thunderous silence
breaks through my thoughts.
What was once many great ideas
is now a triumph, lost.

Baffling words tumble through my mind.
Reflections of darkness hover.
A disturbing peacefulness beckons to me,
and inside myself, I take cover.
What would it be like to stay there forever?
To be lost in all my cares?
From the inside, looking out -
I cry silent tears.

cAtAtAn 19 MaRcH

Posted by Alrasya^Syidah

aSsalamualaikum & alhamdulillah ku panjat syukur pada yg ESA, kerana aku masih lg di beri ruang & waktu untuk melihat alam yg indah ini. Syukur alhamdulilah atas segala yg di anugerahkan & segala yg telah di rencanakan pada aku & syukur alhamdulillah juga kerana aku masih dapat melihat wajah2 insan yang tercinta.Aku sgt bahagia bila memikirkan x lama lg aku akan bergelar tunang kepada seseorg yang amat aku sygi..rasa bagaikan aku sedar yg ianya sebuah relity yg aku impikan selama ini...Terima kasih sudi menerima b seadanya..

Hmmm..bila ada kegelisahan dalam diri..kita hanya perlu kuatkn semangat dlm diri untuk menempuhi segala onak & duri..Jangan d letakkan titik NOKTAH dlm hidup ini..Pastikah aku kecapi reality seindah mimpi seperti dalam novel2 yg sering ku baca saban hari..heheh*_*
Tetiba hati ni sayu lak..x tahu la yg pastinya bila ada kegusaran di hati pasti aku bertandang di laman yg serba simple ni..

Kau jagalah diri..
Sentiasa ingatkn hati mu..
Dirimu amat ku cintai..

Andai suatu hari nanti
Dirimu di himpit kesusahan
Sujud & Mohon pada TUHAN
Agar di berikan bimbingan
Meniti hidup mu bersendirian

Bila terasa sejuk
Pejamkan matamu..
Jika ku tak bangun esok pagi
Bygkan kau dlm dakapanku..

Bila terasa rindu
Pejamkan saja matamu
Kita bersua
Dalam lena

Kalau ada yg sudi mengganti
Syang lepaskan lah ku pergi
Kerna insan seistimewamu
Berhak untuk d cintai dlm hidup

Tiada apa yg kekal di dunia ini
Namun yg pasti
Andai ku tiada nanti
Cinta ku terhadap mu
akan kekal abadi
Seharum setanggi syurga

Ku berharap kau tak akan lupa
Mengirimkan bekalan doa
Kita jumpa lg d sana  nanti
Jika ku tak bangun esk pagi....

when someone was gone
the only left are the words
the words taken the life
and began to spreading in other people’s mind.
and with the words echoe
the dead will be alive forever
